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How Old is Too Old for Braces? And Other Age Factors

Braces are orthodontic devices designed to straighten misaligned teeth and correct bite issues. They consist of brackets attached to the teeth, connected by wires, and sometimes by bands. Given their nature and visibility, many always wonder, “How old is too old for braces?”

Understanding Braces

too old for braces

Orthodontic braces work by applying constant pressure to the teeth, gradually shifting them into the desired position over time. This process stimulates bone remodeling, allowing the teeth to move into alignment.

Traditional braces use metal brackets, while newer options like ceramic or clear aligners offer less noticeable alternatives.

While traditional braces are the most commonly known, there are various types available to suit different needs and preferences. Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are transparent trays that are nearly invisible when worn. Lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth, offering a discreet option for those concerned about appearance.

Common Myth: Braces are only for teenagers.

Contrary to popular belief, braces aren’t limited to adolescents. While it’s common for teenagers to undergo orthodontic treatment, more and more adults are seeking braces to address alignment issues. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, adults account for a significant portion of orthodontic patients.

Adults may choose to pursue braces for various reasons, such as improving their smile for professional or personal reasons, addressing oral health concerns, or simply enhancing their self-confidence. The stigma surrounding adult orthodontic treatment is fading as more people recognize the benefits of achieving a straighter smile at any age.

Factors to Consider

When contemplating orthodontic treatment, age becomes a factor worth considering. While braces can be effective at any age, there are certain considerations unique to adults that may influence treatment outcomes.

Bone Density and Gum Health

As we age, our bone density may decrease, affecting the ability of the teeth to move into alignment. Additionally, gum health plays a crucial role in orthodontic treatment success. Adults with periodontal issues may require additional care and monitoring during treatment to ensure the health of the supporting structures around the teeth.

Potential Complications

Older adults may be more prone to certain complications during orthodontic treatment, such as root resorption or tooth mobility. These issues can arise due to factors like bone density, existing dental conditions, or the presence of dental restorations. It’s essential for adults considering braces to undergo a thorough dental evaluation to assess their suitability for treatment and identify any potential risks.

Consultation with an Orthodontist

Before undergoing orthodontic treatment, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified orthodontist. During the initial consultation, the orthodontist will assess the individual’s oral health, discuss treatment goals and expectations, and recommend the most suitable treatment options.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Orthodontic treatment plans should be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each patient. Adults may have different priorities and constraints compared to younger patients, such as professional obligations, lifestyle factors, or aesthetic concerns. The orthodontist will work closely with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with their goals and addresses any age-related considerations.

How Old is Too Old for Braces?

too old for braces

How old is too old for braces? The simple answer is: there’s no age limit when it comes to getting braces. You are never too old for braces.

Orthodontic treatment is not reserved for teenagers. Adults can benefit from braces at any age. While it’s common for people to associate braces with adolescence, the reality is that more and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to correct misaligned teeth and bite issues.

Age is not a barrier to orthodontic treatment; rather, it’s about individual suitability and goals. As long as your teeth and gums are healthy, you can consider braces as an option for improving your smile and oral health.

Advancements in Orthodontics

While one may think that they are too old for braces, orthodontic technology has advanced significantly in recent years. It now offers a variety of treatment options to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you’re in your 20s, 40s, or even 60s, braces can still help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

It’s important to consult with a qualified orthodontist to assess your suitability for treatment and discuss the best approach for your individual needs. They can evaluate your oral health, discuss treatment goals, and recommend the most suitable options for achieving the desired results.

Benefits of Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Since no one is too old for braces, orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits for adults beyond just achieving a straighter smile. These include:

Improved Oral Health and Hygiene

Straighter teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease. Correcting bite issues can alleviate strain on the jaw joints and muscles, reducing the likelihood of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and associated pain.

Enhanced Confidence and Self-Esteem

A beautiful smile can significantly impact your self-confidence and how others perceive you. Feeling more confident about your smile can lead to improved social interactions, career opportunities, and overall well-being.

Personalized Treatment Options

Adult orthodontic treatment offers a variety of options to suit individual preferences and lifestyles. Clear aligners, lingual braces, and ceramic braces provide discreet alternatives to traditional metal braces, allowing adults to undergo treatment with minimal visibility.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Addressing orthodontic issues can prevent future dental problems and the need for more extensive dental procedures down the line. Investing in orthodontic treatment as an adult can lead to a lifetime of improved oral health and a confident smile.

Psychological Well-Being

Studies have shown that orthodontic treatment can have a positive impact on psychological well-being, boosting self-esteem and overall satisfaction with life. Feeling proud of your smile can translate to increased happiness and fulfillment in various aspects of life.

Types of Braces for Adults in Bronx NY

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces consist of wires and bands connecting metal brackets attached to the teeth. While they may be the most noticeable option, they are highly effective at correcting various orthodontic issues. Adults who opt for traditional braces can benefit from reliable and comprehensive treatment, regardless of the complexity of their case.

Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign)

Clear aligners offer a discreet alternative to traditional braces. These custom-made, transparent trays gradually shift the teeth into alignment. They are removable, making it easier to maintain oral hygiene and allowing for greater flexibility in lifestyle choices. Clear aligners are ideal for adults who prefer a more inconspicuous orthodontic treatment option without sacrificing effectiveness.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces but are attached to the back surfaces of the teeth, making them virtually invisible from the front. This option is ideal for adults who desire a discreet treatment option but may not be suitable candidates for clear aligners due to the complexity of their case. Lingual braces offer effective treatment while minimizing the impact on the individual’s appearance.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces function similarly to traditional metal braces but use tooth-colored or clear brackets and wires, blending in with the natural color of the teeth. This option provides a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to metal braces while still delivering effective orthodontic treatment. Ceramic braces are popular among adults who desire a subtle treatment option without compromising on results.


Retainers are custom-made devices used to maintain the results of orthodontic treatment once braces or aligners are removed. They help prevent teeth from shifting back into their original position and are typically worn at night. Retainers are essential for adults who have completed orthodontic treatment to ensure the longevity of their results and preserve their investment in a straighter smile.

Transform Your Smile Today with Northeastern Braces

too old for braces

Are you ready to achieve the smile of your dreams with braces for adults in Bronx NY? Look no further than Northeastern Braces, your top-rated orthodontist in Bronx, NY. Trust our experienced team to provide quality and affordable orthodontic care tailored to your needs.

You’re never too old for braces. Whether you’re seeking braces for kids or braces for adults, we offer a range of treatment options, including traditional metal braces, clear/ceramic braces, and Invisalign. As a Gold Provider of Invisalign®, we’re recognized for our expertise in providing this discreet and effective treatment.

Schedule a consultation with Northeastern Braces today and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you.

What Candy Can You Eat with Braces? A Sweet Tooth’s Guide

Orthodontic braces, those trusty fixtures that realign our teeth for a brighter smile, come with a few rules, especially when it comes to what you can snack on. Your orthodontist might have emphasized the importance of avoiding certain candies that could spell trouble for your braces. So, if you’re currently undergoing treatment with braces in Fishkill NY or elsewhere, how do you choose what foods and candies to eat with braces? 

Candy You Should Not Eat with Braces

First, there are a lot of candy categories that didn’t make the cut. These include:

Sticky and Chewy Candy

Eat with Braces

  1. Gummies: Those tempting gummy bears and worms may seem harmless, but their stickiness can be a real challenge for braces. They tend to cling to brackets and wires, turning a delightful snack into a potential orthodontic headache.
  2. Taffy: Chewy taffy, with its resilient texture, is another culprit. As you sink your teeth into it, there’s a risk of pulling on your braces, potentially leading to discomfort and adjustments during your next orthodontic visit.
  3. Caramels: Caramels, both soft and chewy varieties, are a definite no-go. They can wrap around brackets, making thorough cleaning a tricky task. Residue left behind may also contribute to cavities, adding another layer of concern.

Hard Candy

  1. Jolly Ranchers: Those colorful, hard candies that you used to enjoy without a second thought? Unfortunately, they’re on the forbidden list. Biting down on hard candies poses a risk of damaging your braces, and the sticky residue left behind can be challenging to remove.
  2. Jawbreakers: True to their name, jawbreakers are notoriously hard. Chomping down on one might not only be tough on your teeth but could potentially lead to problems with your braces’ structural integrity.

Sugary Treats

  1. Candies that increase the risk of cavities: Beyond the immediate concerns for your braces, candies high in sugar content contribute to a higher risk of cavities. With braces, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is paramount, and steering clear of overly sugary treats is a key part of that equation.
  2. The importance of maintaining oral hygiene with braces: Orthodontic treatment demands diligence in oral care. Sugar can lurk in hidden corners, and meticulous cleaning becomes crucial to prevent decay and ensure a smooth journey towards your dream smile.

Candy Safe to Eat with Braces

Shift your focus to the sweet delights that won’t send your braces into a tailspin. Yes, you can still indulge in a treat or two, with a few considerations, of course.

Soft Chocolate

Eat with Braces

Good news for chocolate lovers: many types of chocolate are safe to eat with braces. The key is to opt for the softer varieties that won’t pose a challenge to your braces. Milk chocolate, for example, is generally a safer bet than its nutty or crunchy counterparts.

While soft chocolate gets a green light, moderation is the golden rule. Overindulging in any sweets, even the orthodontic-friendly ones, can still lead to dental issues. Enjoy your chocolatey delights in moderation, and your braces will thank you.

Sugar-Free Alternatives

  1. Gum options: Chewing gum might seem like a distant memory for those with braces, but fear not—sugar-free gum is a viable alternative. It can be a satisfying way to curb your sweet cravings without jeopardizing your orthodontic journey.
  2. Hard candies without sugar: If hard candies are your weakness, consider sugar-free alternatives. Make sure not to chew on them, though. Plus, remember that, even with sugar-free options, moderation is key.

Braces-Friendly Treats

Some candy brands understand the unique needs of those who eat with braces. Look out for those that specifically market their products as safe for orthodontic patients. These candies are often designed to minimize the risk of damage and make for a worry-free treat.

If you’re feeling creative, you can explore homemade or natural alternatives to store-bought candies. Consider fruit-based treats or snacks that are softer in texture, offering a delicious and braces-friendly alternative to traditional candies.

Tips for Enjoying Candy with Braces

Managing your treats with care is crucial to maintaining the health of both your braces and your teeth.

Cleaning Techniques

  1. Importance of proper brushing and flossing: With braces in the picture, maintaining a robust oral hygiene routine becomes even more critical. Regular brushing and flossing help remove any lingering candy particles that might be hiding in the nooks and crannies of your braces. Make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and invest in interdental brushes or floss threaders to navigate around the wires.
  2. Using orthodontic tools for cleaning: Orthodontic tools, such as interdental brushes or tiny bristled brushes designed for braces, can be incredibly effective in reaching areas that a regular toothbrush might miss. Incorporating these tools into your cleaning routine ensures a more thorough removal of any candy remnants.

Timing and Moderation

Planning when you indulge in sweet treats can make a significant difference. Enjoying candy as part of a meal can help mitigate its impact on your braces. The increased saliva production during meals aids in cleaning the teeth, reducing the risk of sugar lingering on your braces.

While it’s tempting to focus solely on the “Is this something I can eat with braces?” question, it’s equally important to maintain a balanced diet. Ensure that your overall food choices support your orthodontic treatment. Incorporate foods rich in nutrients that contribute to healthy teeth and gums, helping you achieve the best possible results.

Alternatives to Traditional Candy

While satisfying your sweet tooth is undoubtedly a delight, there are alternatives to traditional candies that not only spare your braces but also bring a refreshing twist to your snacking routine. Explore some braces-friendly options that you can eat with braces without worrying about any adverse effects on your appliances.

Fruit Snacks

Eat with Braces

Opt for soft and ripe fruits as a delectable alternative to traditional candies. Options like berries, sliced peaches, or seedless grapes are not only braces-friendly but also provide essential vitamins for overall oral health.

Get creative by combining different fruits to create a tasty and visually appealing treat. Fruit salads or fruit skewers can be a delightful way to satisfy your sweet cravings while promoting a nutrient-rich diet beneficial for your braces.

Frozen Treats

Indulge in the cool sweetness of ice cream or popsicles. These frozen treats can be a soothing and braces-friendly alternative to traditional candies. Opt for softer varieties to minimize the risk of discomfort.

Experiment with homemade frozen treats that are not only delicious but also safe for your braces. Consider blending your favorite fruits into smoothie popsicles or freezing yogurt with added flavors for a refreshing and orthodontist-approved snack.

While these alternatives may not replace the exact texture of candies, they provide a delightful and guilt-free way to enjoy sweetness during your orthodontic journey. Remember, variety is the spice of life, and exploring different braces-friendly options ensures that your snacking routine remains both enjoyable and beneficial for your braces.

Ready for a Confident Smile? Trust Northeast Braces for Top-Notch Orthodontic Care!

At Northeast Braces, we understand the significance of a confident smile during your orthodontic journey. As the top-rated orthodontist in Bronx, NY, we take pride in delivering quality and affordable braces in Fishkill NY, Newburgh, and the South Bronx.

Why Choose Northeast Braces?

  1. Expertise: Our orthodontists are skilled and experienced, well-versed in the latest technologies and treatment options.
  2. Options for Everyone: Whether you’re seeking braces for kids or adults, we offer a range of solutions, including traditional metal braces, clear/ceramic braces, and Invisalign.
  3. Invisalign Excellence: As a Gold Provider of Invisalign® and Invisalign® Teen, we stand among the best in the industry, providing unparalleled expertise in this revolutionary treatment.

Schedule your appointment today, and let our expertise and commitment to quality transform your orthodontic experience.

Brush or Floss First: Debunking the Dental Dilemma

Should you brush or floss first? If you’ve ever stood in front of your bathroom mirror pondering this age-old question, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there, wondering which step should come first in our quest for a sparkling smile. It’s important to understand proper oral hygiene, as poor habits don’t just lead to cavities and bad breath; they can also contribute to more serious issues like gum disease and even heart problems.

Understanding the Importance of Oral Hygiene

So, what’s the deal with plaque and bacteria? Well, they’re like unwelcome guests at a party—they show up uninvited and cause all sorts of trouble. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth throughout the day, especially after eating. If allowed to sit too long, it may harden into tartar, which a dentist can only scrape off because it is much more difficult to remove.

The consequences of neglecting your oral hygiene can be pretty unpleasant. Cavities, also known as dental caries, are holes that form in your teeth due to decay caused by bacteria feeding on sugars from food and drinks. And let’s not forget about gum disease, which occurs when plaque buildup along the gumline leads to inflammation and infection. This can cause your gums to become red, swollen, and even bleed when you brush or floss. Plus, chronic gum disease has been linked to more serious health issues, like diabetes and heart disease.

Brushing First: Pros and Cons

Benefits of Brushing Before Flossing

brush or floss first

  1. Effective Surface Cleaning: Brushing your teeth initially targets the visible surfaces, helping to eliminate plaque and food debris from the outer layers of your teeth. This action aids in preventing the accumulation of plaque, the formation of cavities, and gum disease.
  2. Enhanced Fluoride Protection: Toothpaste often contains fluoride, a mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and shields against decay. By brushing first, you give the fluoride in your toothpaste more time to interact with your teeth, providing additional protection against cavities.


  1. Missed Interdental and Gumline Areas: While brushing effectively cleans the surfaces of your teeth, it may not adequately reach the tight spaces between teeth and along the gumline, where plaque and food debris commonly hide. This is where flossing becomes essential to remove these hard-to-reach particles.
  2. Potential Residual Debris: Brushing can loosen plaque and food particles from tooth surfaces. However, if you floss after brushing, there’s a possibility that some of the loosened particles may remain in your mouth rather than being completely removed. This residual debris could contribute to plaque buildup and increase the risk of dental issues over time.

Flossing First

Benefits of Flossing Before Brushing

brush or floss first

  1. Superior Interdental Cleaning: Flossing prior to brushing allows you to target the spaces between your teeth and along the gumline first. This helps dislodge plaque and food particles that brushing alone may not reach, ensuring a more thorough clean.
  2. Preparing Tooth Surfaces: By flossing first, you can remove debris from between your teeth, making it easier for your toothbrush to access all tooth surfaces. This can enhance the effectiveness of brushing and improve the overall cleanliness of your mouth.


  1. Reduced Fluoride Exposure: If you floss before brushing, the fluoride in your toothpaste may not have as much time to interact with your teeth, potentially reducing its protective effects against cavities.
  2. Incomplete Surface Cleaning: While flossing removes debris from between teeth and along the gumline, it may not thoroughly clean the surfaces of your teeth. Brushing after flossing is necessary to ensure all tooth surfaces are adequately cleaned and protected against decay and gum disease.

What Dentists Recommend

Many dental professionals have weighed in on the brush or floss first debate, offering their insights based on scientific evidence and clinical experience. Studies examining the order of brushing and flossing have provided valuable data for dentists to consider when advising patients on their oral hygiene routines.

So, should you brush or floss first ?

While opinions may vary, many dental professionals and a 2018 study suggest flossing before brushing. This approach allows for effective removal of plaque and food debris from between teeth and along the gumline, preparing the surfaces for thorough brushing afterward.

Consistency is Key

While there may not be a one-size-fits-all answer to the brush or floss first dilemma, most dental experts agree that the most important aspect of oral hygiene is consistency.  Regardless of whether you brush or floss first, what matters most is using proper technique and spending an adequate amount of time on each step to ensure thorough cleaning.

The Bottom Line

brush or floss first

While it’s important to consider whether to brush or floss first, taking care of your teeth involves more than just brushing—it’s a team effort between brushing and flossing. Brushing helps clean the surfaces of your teeth, while flossing gets rid of food bits and plaque from the tight spaces between them. Together, they make sure your mouth stays healthy and free from problems like cavities and gum disease.

Other Oral Hygiene Practices for Optimal Oral Health

  1. Mouthwash: Using an antimicrobial mouthwash can help reduce bacteria in your mouth and freshen your breath. Look for mouthwashes with fluoride to strengthen your teeth.
  2. Tongue Cleaning: Don’t forget to clean your tongue! Use a tongue scraper or your toothbrush to gently remove bacteria and debris from the surface of your tongue.
  3. Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods: Sugary and acidic foods can contribute to tooth decay and erosion. Limit your intake of sugary snacks and drinks, and rinse your mouth with water after consuming acidic foods.
  4. Drink Water: Drinking water throughout the day helps wash away food particles and bacteria, keeping your mouth clean and hydrated.
  5. Chew Sugar-Free Gum: Chewing sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize acids in your mouth and strengthen tooth enamel.
  6. Use a Mouthguard: If you grind your teeth at night or play contact sports, consider using a mouthguard to protect your teeth from damage.
  7. Avoid Tobacco Products: Smoking and using tobacco products can increase your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Quitting tobacco is essential for maintaining oral health.
  8. Visit Your Dentist Regularly: Don’t skip your dental checkups! Regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and exams can catch oral health issues early and prevent them from worsening.
  9. Be Mindful of Your Oral Health: Pay attention to any changes in your mouth, such as tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums, or persistent bad breath. These could be signs of underlying dental problems that require attention.

Let’s Create Your Perfect Smile Together

Apart from taking care of your oral health, it’s essential to get an orthodontic consultation if you notice any crookedness, gaps, or misalignment in your teeth and jaws. Straight teeth are easier to clean and aren’t as susceptible to cavities, discomfort, and injury.

Looking to enhance both your oral health and aesthetics? Look no further! Our orthodontist in Fishkill NY at Northeastern Braces specializes in providing top-notch orthodontic care to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Whether you’re considering braces or Invisalign treatment, our expert team is dedicated to not only improving the appearance of your smile but also enhancing your overall oral health.


Braces 101: A Comprehensive Overview for Residents in the Bronx

Knowing all your options and the ins and outs of different braces is more than just a preparation step—it’s an empowering choice that sets the stage for a confident and informed journey to a life-changing smile. So, if you’re looking to get braces and don’t know where to start, everything about braces Bronx NY residents need to know have been broken down in this blog.

Metal Braces

braces Bronx NY

Metal braces are the OG of orthodontics. They’ve been around for generations, and they’ve got staying power for one simple reason: they get the job done. These are the braces you probably picture when you think about orthodontic treatment—small metal brackets attached to the front of each tooth, connected by a wire. While they might not win any beauty contests, metal braces are often the go-to option for complex dental issues.


  1. Budget-Friendly: When it comes to affordability, metal braces often come out on top. They’re usually the least expensive option, making them accessible for families on a budget.
  2. Effective for Severe Problems: Metal braces are like the heavy lifters of the orthodontic world. They’re capable of tackling serious issues like large gaps, severe overcrowding, and complicated bite problems. If your teeth need a lot of work, metal braces are often the most effective route to take.
  3. Minimal Patient Compliance Required: Unlike removable options like Invisalign, metal braces are glued to your teeth, so there’s no need to worry about taking them out and putting them back in. Your only job is to keep them clean and show up for your regular orthodontic appointments.


  1. Highly Visible: There’s no sugarcoating it—metal braces are pretty noticeable. If the aesthetic aspect is a big concern for you, you might want to explore other options.
  2. Initial Discomfort: The first few days with metal braces can be a bit rough as your mouth adjusts to the new hardware. This is common and usually subsides after a short period. Tips for managing discomfort include using orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges and taking over-the-counter pain relievers as advised by your orthodontist.


Metal braces Bronx NY are an excellent option for people who want a cost-effective, reliable way to correct significant orthodontic issues. They’re particularly well-suited for children and teenagers who often have less concern about the aesthetic aspects of braces and more complicated issues that require robust treatment.

Ceramic Braces

braces Bronx NY

When you want the robust performance of traditional braces but are looking for a subtler aesthetic, ceramic braces might just be the compromise you’re searching for. These braces feature brackets made from a ceramic material that closely matches the color of your natural teeth. That means you get most of the strength and reliability of metal braces, but with a less obvious look.


  1. Blends In: One of the biggest selling points of ceramic braces is their ability to blend in with your teeth. The brackets are made from a tooth-colored material, making them much less noticeable compared to the silver shine of metal braces.
  2. Almost as Strong as Metal: Don’t let their less visible appearance fool you. Ceramic braces are quite durable and can handle a wide range of orthodontic issues. Whether you’re dealing with mild to moderate crowding, gaps, or bite issues, ceramic braces are generally up to the task.


  1. Stain Risks: The ceramic material can stain if you’re not diligent about cleaning them. Also, you may want to avoid eating or drinking foods that put your brackets into higher risk of staining like coffee and wine. If the need be, make sure to brush your teeth afterwards.


Ceramic braces Bronx NY are a popular choice among teens and adults who are looking for a more aesthetic option without sacrificing too much in terms of effectiveness. They’re ideal for those who are conscious about the visibility of their orthodontic treatment but still require the sort of comprehensive intervention that only braces can provide.

Lingual Braces

When it comes to braces, lingual braces Bronx NY are like the secret agents of the orthodontic world. They perform their duty behind the scenes—quite literally, behind your teeth. This unique placement makes them completely invisible when you smile or talk, offering a level of discretion that’s unparalleled by other types of braces.


  1. Hidden from View: The main attraction of lingual braces is their stealthy location. Positioned on the backside of your teeth, they are hidden from view, making them an excellent choice for people who want to keep their orthodontic treatment a secret.
  2. Effective for Moderate Issues: While they may not be suitable for the most severe orthodontic cases, lingual braces are quite effective for resolving moderate issues like minor gaps, crowding, and bite problems.


  1. Cleaning Challenges: The hidden location that makes lingual braces so attractive also makes them a bit tricky to clean. Because they’re on the back of your teeth, it may require more effort to maintain proper oral hygiene. You’ll likely need to invest in specialized cleaning tools like interdental brushes to keep them clean.
  2. Unusual Feeling: Having braces behind your teeth can feel weird, especially in the beginning. It’s a different experience compared to traditional braces, and it might take some time to get used to speaking and eating with them. Some people also experience minor tongue irritation at first.


Lingual braces Bronx NY are a good fit for adults and older teens who are committed to the idea of an inconspicuous treatment but also willing to put in the extra work for maintenance and hygiene. They’re particularly popular among professionals and people who are in the public eye, who prefer their braces to be out of sight and out of mind.


braces Bronx NY

The newest kid on the block, Invisalign offers the utmost discretion and convenience. Unlike traditional braces that use wires and brackets, Invisalign employs clear, plastic aligners to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Because these aligners are made from a see-through material, most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them, offering you the ultimate in discretion.


  1. Nearly Invisible: Made from clear plastic, they’re hard to spot when a patient is wearing them, offering sufficient level of discretion. This is a massive advantage for those who are self-conscious about their appearance and don’t want the world to know they’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.
  2. Eat What You Want: Because you can remove them, no foods are off-limits. You simply need to remove the aligners before eating and then clean and pop them back in afterwards.
  3. Digital Treatment Process: One of the cool things about Invisalign is that it’s all mapped out digitally from the get-go. Your orthodontist will use advanced imaging technology to create a 3D model of your teeth and plan the entire treatment digitally. You’ll even get to see a computer simulation showing how your teeth will move over time, offering a sneak peek of your future smile.


  1. Pricey: Invisalign’s modern features and convenience come with a higher price tag. The cost can vary based on your specific needs and the length of treatment, but it’s generally more expensive than traditional braces. This might be something to consider if you’re on a budget or don’t have dental insurance that covers orthodontic work.
  2. Not for Complex Cases: While Invisalign is great for correcting minor to moderate issues like slight crowding or small gaps, it’s not ideal for more complex orthodontic cases. Problems like severe overcrowding, large gaps, or complex bite issues might be better tackled with traditional braces. Your orthodontist can help determine if Invisalign is an option for you.


Invisalign is a particularly good choice for adults and teens who want the least noticeable treatment possible and have minor to moderate orthodontic issues to correct. It’s also great for those who have a busy lifestyle and prefer a more flexible treatment plan, given that you can take them out for short periods for eating, drinking, or special occasions.

What Residents in the Bronx Need to Know Before Getting Braces Bronx NY

If you’re in the Bronx and thinking about getting braces Bronx NY, you’re in luck. We’ve got a top-rated practice right here in the neighborhood. Welcome to Northeastern Braces, your go-to place for all things orthodontic in both Newburgh and the South Bronx. Here’s what you need to know:

Experienced Orthodontic Care

First off, know that you’re in good hands. Our orthodontists are skilled and up to date with the latest technologies and treatment options. From the tried-and-true metal braces—which, by the way, are now more comfortable than ever thanks to smaller brackets—to modern options like clear/ceramic braces Bronx NY and Invisalign, we’ve got a range of treatments to fit your needs.

Free Consultation

Still unsure? Take the first step without a big commitment—schedule a FREE consultation with us. We’ll evaluate your unique situation and lay out your options, so you can make an informed decision.

A Gold Provider for Invisalign

We’re not just any practice; we’re a Gold Provider of Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. That’s a fancy way of saying we’re one of the best in the industry when it comes to these nearly invisible treatment options. If discretion is a big factor for you, you’ll want to know this.

Flexible Payment Plans

We get it; orthodontic treatment can be a financial burden. But don’t let that stop you from getting the braces Bronx NY care you need. Our flexible payment plans start with as little as $0 down and no interest. We also accept all major credit cards and offer payment plans through Care Credit.

Most Insurances Accepted

To make things even easier, we accept most insurances. When you come in for your free consultation for braces Bronx NY, we can discuss how your insurance might cover some of the treatment costs.

What’s Next?

The only thing standing between you and your beautiful new smile is scheduling that free consultation. So why wait? Come find out why Northeastern Braces is your top choice for trusted orthodontist Bronx NY.

At Northeastern Braces, we take pride in offering top-quality treatment at affordable prices, making it easier for Bronx residents to achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. Take that first step today!

Smile Direct Club Vs. Invisalign

Are you having trouble deciding between Smile Direct Club vs. Invisalign? At Northeastern Braces, we are dedicated to educating our patients about the latest treatments and offering affordable costs that accommodate any budget.

Where Can I Find Out About Invisalign vs Smile Direct Club?

Our team at Northeastern Braces specializes in Invisalign in Bronx, NY. As a leading orthodontist, our team is experienced and knowledgeable in all forms of orthodontic care. As a result, we provide Invisalign treatment supervised by an orthodontic specialist that has received education and training to guarantee the most successful results.

What Is Invisalign?

The Invisalign system utilizes sets of clear aligners to achieve the same results as traditional braces. Clear aligners are virtually undetectable so no one will ever have to know about you having orthodontic treatment. Each set of clear aligners is made of lightweight, smooth plastic to gradually shift teeth into alignment. Invisalign and Invisalign Teen are custom-made with SmartTrack material for a perfect fit that will never affect your speech or slip out while talking.

What Is Smile Direct Club?

Smile Direct Club also uses clear aligner trays to straighten teeth. However, Smile Direct Club is designed to eliminate visits to an orthodontist by allowing treatment to be completed from comfort of your home. First, you will need to locate a nearby “SmileShop” where your dental impressions are captured. You also have the option of receiving a kit for dental impressions in the mail. Once your dental impressions are received by Smile Direct Club, each set of aligners is delivered directly to your door. However, choosing Smile Direct Club eliminates the supervision of an orthodontist or dental professional throughout the course of treatment.

1. Treatment Process: Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club


Orthodontist office visits are often required as part of the Invisalign treatment process. Based on 3D scans of your teeth, your orthodontist will design a personalised treatment plan during your initial visit. You will receive a series of aligners, each to be worn for about two weeks, gradually moving your teeth until the desired results are achieved.


The treatment process with SmileDirectClub is more independent. After receiving your impression kit at home, you will create molds of your teeth and send them back to the company. Aligners will be made based on these moulds, and you’ll receive the entire set by mail. SmileDirectClub provides remote monitoring through their app, and you won’t have in-person orthodontist visits.

2. Expert Supervision and Monitoring


Invisalign treatment is closely supervised by an experienced orthodontist. Throughout the process, your progress will be regularly monitored during in-office check-ups. Your orthodontist can make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed, ensuring precise results.


While SmileDirectClub offers convenience and lower costs, it lacks the direct supervision of an orthodontist. Remote monitoring is provided through the app, where you can send pictures of your teeth to track progress. However, some patients may prefer the assurance of in-person evaluations by a qualified professional.

3. Complexity of Cases


Invisalign is suitable for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including complex cases involving significant bite problems and tooth rotation. Orthodontists often recommend Invisalign for comprehensive and precise teeth straightening.


SmileDirectClub is best suited for mild to moderate orthodontic cases. SmileDirectClub may be an effective and more affordable option if you have minor crowding or spacing issues.

4. Comfort and Convenience


The custom-made aligners are designed to fit comfortably over your teeth. The smooth plastic material reduces the risk of irritation or discomfort compared to traditional braces.


The at-home aligner kit provides convenience, as you can proceed with treatment without regular in-office visits. However, some users may experience initial discomfort as at-home moulds may not be as precise as professional scans.

What Are The Benefits Of A Certified Orthodontist?

The American Dental Association strongly discourages doing-it-yourself orthodontics because of the potential dangers or harm they can cause. Supervision by a licensed dentist or orthodontist is important for all phases of orthodontic treatment, including oral and periodontal examinations, treatment planning, periodic evaluations, and a stable final assessment. As a result, continuous supervision by an orthodontist in Bronx, NY, ensures the health of your teeth to prevent tooth loss and any other unnecessary complications.

Finding The Difference Between Invisalign vs Smile Direct Club

In conclusion, our team at Northeastern Braces are experts in various forms of orthodontic treatment. We are here to answer any questions or concerns regarding Smile Direct Club or Invisalign in Beacon, NY, New Windsor, NY, Balmville, NY, Cornwall On Hudson, NY, and the surrounding areas of Orange County, NY. Contact Northeastern Braces today to arrange a free consultation. Call now (845) 863-0500.

Foods You Can Eat With Braces

If you’ve recently got braces, you might be wondering what foods are safe to eat without damaging your orthodontic appliances. Embracing the journey to a perfect smile doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice delicious meals! In this blog post, with the help of our experienced orthodontist in Bronx and Newburgh, NY, we’ll explore a variety of foods you can eat with braces while maintaining your orthodontic treatment and oral health. Let’s dive in and discover a braces-friendly culinary adventure!

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

If you’ve recently got braces, you might be wondering what foods are safe to eat without damaging your orthodontic appliances. Embracing the journey to a perfect smile doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice delicious meals!

Soft Fruits

Soft fruits are an excellent option for those with braces. Enjoy a variety of delicious fruits like bananas, berries, peaches, and seedless grapes.Foods You Can Eat with Braces Remember to cut larger fruits into smaller, bite-sized pieces to minimize pressure on your braces. Avoid biting directly into hard fruits like apples or pears, as this can damage your braces.

Cooked Vegetables

Cooked vegetables are gentle on your braces and still provide essential nutrients. Steamed broccoli, carrots, zucchini, and cauliflower are excellent choices. Soft and well-cooked vegetables are easier to chew and won’t put excessive strain on your braces.

Soft Grains and Pasta

Opt for soft grains and pasta that are easy to chew, such as cooked rice, quinoa, and soft tortillas. Steer clear of crunchy or hard bread, as it may bend wires or get stuck in your braces.soft foods to eat with braces

Tender Meats and Fish

Enjoy tender meats such tenderloin beef, chicken, and turkey. Salmon or tilapia are two excellent choices of fish. Just make sure the meat is well-done and sliced into reasonable portions.

Dairy Products

Dairy products like yogurt, soft cheese, and pudding are gentle on your braces. Plus, they provide essential calcium for strong teeth and bones. Avoid hard cheeses or dairy products with added nuts or seeds that can be problematic for braces wearers.

Soups and Stews

Soups and stews are not only comforting but also braces-friendly. Choose options without large chunks of meat or hard vegetables. Cream-based soups or broth-based soups with soft ingredients are ideal choices.Soft foods for braces

Soft Desserts

Indulge in soft desserts that won’t harm your braces. Opt for treats like ice cream, smoothies, mousse, and soft cakes. Avoid sticky or chewy candies that can damage brackets and wires.


Eggs are a versatile and protein-rich food that’s easy to prepare and gentle on braces. Scrambled, poached, or soft-boiled eggs are all braces-safe options.

Smoothies and Milkshakes

Blend up your favorite fruits with yogurt or milk to create delicious, braces-friendly smoothies and milkshakes. Just be cautious with the addition of seeds or nuts that could potentially cause issues.

Soft Snacks

Choose braces-friendly snacks like popcorn alternatives (puffed rice or cheese curls), soft pretzels, and baked chips. Remember to consume snacks in moderation to maintain good oral health.

When you first get your orthodontic braces, sticking to a diet of very soft foods that require little chewing is suggested. Ice cream may be the first thing that comes to mind, and if you’re going to eat ice cream, Northeastern Braces recommends this delicious, braces-friendly, vegan recipe!


  • 4 ripe bananas, sliced and frozen
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Toppings: fresh berries, chocolate chips, syrups


  1. Freeze sliced bananas for 2 hours.
  2. Blend frozen bananas, almond milk, and vanilla until creamy.
  3. Serve in bowls and add toppings.
  4. Drizzle with maple syrup.
  5. Enjoy your guilt-free treat!

Enjoy your delicious treat without worrying about harming your braces!

Taking care of your teeth is essential, whether you’re an adult with braces or your child just received orthodontic treatment from Northeastern Braces in Newburgh and Bronx, NY. During this time, your teeth are more vulnerable to cavities, making a healthy, nutritious diet even more crucial. But don’t worry; there are plenty of healthy alternatives for your favorite guilty food pleasures, just like the braces-friendly ice cream recipe we provided.  If you have any questions about foods to avoid with affordable braces, clear braces, or Invisalign in Bronx and Newburgh, be sure to contact us!

Are you ready to begin your journey to a beautiful, natural smile?
Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with Northeastern Braces!

Affordable Braces in Bronx, NY

You’ve likely heard braces are expensive, so you have postponed treatment. There’s no need to put off your treatment any longer. You can find affordable braces near me in Bronx, NY,  and finally get the smile of your dreams. In this article, we will explore different options, including metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign in Bronx, NY that can help you achieve your dream smile within your budget.

Choose a Provider That Offers Insurance

Affordable Braces in Bronx NY

Did you know that some orthodontists don’t accept insurance? If you have coverage, it makes sense to use it. It’s easy to get Affordable braces in Bronx, New York, if your insurance company will cover some of the costs. Then you can straighten your teeth for a fraction of the regular cost.

Consider Interest-Free Payment Plans

If you want affordable braces in Bronx NY, look for interest-free payment plans. You can find plans that offer no down payment and affordable monthly payments. Even if it takes you some time to pay off your braces, you won’t be penalized with interest. That’s a great way to get affordable braces from an orthodontist.

Consider Wait Times

Short wait times can also help you save money. If you have to spend lots of time waiting for your appointment, you will end up missing more work than you want. That could cost you when it’s payday. If you truly want affordable braces, choose an orthodontist that sticks to appointment times. That won’t just save you time. It can save you money, as well.

Get a Free Consultation

If you want affordable braces in Bronx NY, Don’t make the mistake of paying for a consultation. Choose Northeastern Braces and enjoy a free consultation instead. Save your money for the treatment, or treat yourself to a nice dinner in New York City. With our range of affordable options, experienced orthodontists, and personalized treatment plans, Northeastern Braces is your go-to destination for achieving a straighter smile without breaking the bank. Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards a beautiful smile.

Types of Braces:

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there are various types of braces available to help you achieve a straight and beautiful smile. Each type of brace offers unique advantages and considerations, catering to different needs and preferences. At Northeastern Braces, we are dedicated to providing exceptional oral care and offer a range of braces options, including traditional metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign. Our experienced orthodontists will guide you through the selection process, considering your specific oral care requirements and budget, ensuring that you receive the most suitable treatment.

a) Metal Braces:

Traditional metal braces are a reliable and cost-effective option for achieving a straight smile. They consist of metal brackets and wires that apply gentle pressure to align the teeth gradually. Metal braces are known for their durability and effectiveness in treating various orthodontic issues.

b) Ceramic Braces:

Ceramic braces blend in with the natural color of your teeth, making them less noticeable than metal braces. They offer a discreet option for those who desire a more aesthetically pleasing treatment. Ceramic braces are stain-resistant and can effectively correct dental misalignments.

c) Lingual Braces:

Lingual braces are attached to the backside of your teeth, making them virtually invisible from the front. They are an excellent choice for individuals concerned about the visibility of braces. Lingual braces provide effective treatment while maintaining a natural-looking smile.

d) Invisalign:

Invisalign utilizes clear aligners to straighten teeth. These aligners are removable and offer a nearly invisible orthodontic treatment option. Invisalign provides comfort, convenience, and the freedom to eat and drink without restrictions during the treatment process.

Get Affordable Braces in Bronx, New York

Northeastern Braces accepts insurance, offers interest-free payment plans, and keeps wait times at a minimum. Also, you can get a free consultation. Contact Northeastern Braces’ Bronx office at (917) 801-3600 to set up your free consultation. Then you can get a quote for braces or Invisalign and begin the treatment.

Best Invisalign Near Me

When you’re looking for the “best Invisalign near me” you will likely receive a ton of suggestions. Unfortunately, many of these won’t really fill your needs. In order to cut through the haze, skip over to Northeastern Braces, the premier Invisalign provider in Newburgh and Bronx, NY.

Exploring Orthodontic Treatment Options

All Invisalign providers receive training and certification from the creators of Invisalign, Align Technology. Invisalign treatment is more patient-centered than traditional braces.

When you begin Invisalign treatment, one of the doctors will complete a comprehensive examination. This initial consultation is complimentary. During this appointment, we will review your medical history and conduct an oral exam. Once the doctors are done, they will discuss treatment plan options with you. Payment options and insurance will also be a part of the discussion.

Although Invisalign can be used to correct many orthodontic problems, not every patient is a good candidate for this treatment method. After your initial examination, our staff will discuss your options. Whether you need Invisalign treatment or a different treatment is recommended, Northeastern Braces can offer the best orthodontic care in the area.

Why Choose Invisalign?

  •  Advantages of Invisalign over traditional braces, such as their nearly invisible appearance, removable aligners, and improved comfort during the treatment process.
  • Highlight the ability to maintain oral hygiene and enjoy a varied diet without restrictions.
  • Emphasize the importance of seeking an experienced Invisalign provider for optimal results.

Settling Into Invisalign Treatment

With any Invisalign treatment plan, there are some things you will need to adjust to. You will receive several sets of tray aligners per visit. About every two weeks, you will shift into the next set of trays in the succession.  Appointments are scheduled 8 to 10 weeks apart. Treatment can be as short as six months, but the average period is 12 to 18 months. You will receive a new series of trays at each appointment with the orthodontist.

During treatment, you will remove your trays for eating and drinking. You should get into the habit of rinsing them when you remove them. Always store your aligners in the carrying case when not wearing them. Before reinserting your trays, you should brush and floss to avoid trapping food particles inside the trays.

You will be wearing your trays for 20 to 22 hours every day, including while you sleep. In order to keep them clean, you should brush them at least twice daily with a soft toothbrush and mild dish soap. You should soak, or deep clean, your trays several times per week. This can be done using Invisalign Cleaning Crystals or a standard, non-colored denture tablet.

Invisalign is an investment in your smile. Diligence during your treatment period will pay great dividends.

Northeastern Braces is Your Answer

Northeastern Braces is a family orthodontist practice in Newburgh and Bronx. Our patients range in age from young to old, and we pride ourselves on having a welcoming environment for all. Whether you are a parent with a child or teen that needs braces or you are seeking treatment as an adult, Northeastern Braces is the right choice. If you’re looking for “Invisalign near me,” we have you covered with personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs and goals. Trust Northeastern Braces for exceptional orthodontic care in a warm and friendly setting.

To set up your complimentary consultation, click the “Book now” button on our website. Select your preferred office, fill out the information, then submit the form. If you would rather call to book an appointment, our offices can be reached at:

Newburgh Office: (845) 863-0500
Bronx Office: (917) 801-3600


How Much Do Braces Cost?

You want to get braces, but first, you need to know how much they cost. You’ve probably asked your friends, “How much do braces cost,” and received lots of different answers. That’s because there is not a definitive answer to the question, “How much do braces cost?” Instead, it depends on your treatment length and the type of braces you choose. Still, you can learn the price range for braces. This will give you a better idea of how much you’ll spend on braces. At Northeastern Braces, we offer a variety of braces in Bronx, NY to fit your budget and needs.

How Much Do Braces Cost – The Price Ranges

When getting the answer to, “How much do braces cost,” you need to consider the type of braces. Metal braces cost between $3,000-$6,000. Ceramic braces cost $4,000-$8,000, and lingual braces cost $8,000-$10,000.

When asking, “How much do braces cost,” you might be interested in Invisalign, as well. Invisalign costs between $3,000-$8,000.

Insurance and Braces

You have a general answer to the question, “How much do braces cost.” Now, it’s time to look at how you can save on braces. If you have dental insurance, you can reduce the cost of braces. While some plans only cover metal and ceramic braces, others cover lingual braces and Invisalign, as well. Before you know the full answer to “How much do braces cost,” you should check with your insurance company.

Other Ways to Reduce the Cost of Braces

You can also reduce the cost of braces by being compliant during the treatment. Going to your orthodontic appointments and taking care of your braces will speed up the treatment. The less time you have to wear the braces, the less they will cost, so this is critical. Your orthodontist will go over the care plan with you when you get braces. Your orthodontist will also answer the question, “How much do braces cost?” for your specific case.

How to Take Care of Your Braces

Certainly! Taking proper care of your braces is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and ensuring successful treatment. Here are some important points on how to take care of your braces:

Oral hygiene: Brush your teeth thoroughly after every meal and snack. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Pay special attention to brushing around the brackets and wires of your braces. Consider using an interdental brush or a proxabrush to clean between the brackets and under the wires. Floss at least once a day using special orthodontic floss or a floss threader to navigate around the wires.

Avoid certain foods: Some foods can damage or get stuck in your braces, causing discomfort or even breakage. Avoid sticky or chewy foods like gum, caramel, and taffy. Cut hard foods into small pieces before eating, and avoid biting into hard objects like ice or pens.

Wear a mouthguard: If you participate in sports or other physical activities, it’s important to protect your braces and teeth. Wear a mouth guard to minimize the risk of injuries. Ask your orthodontist for recommendations on the best type of mouthguard for you.

Be mindful of what you drink: Sugary and acidic drinks can contribute to tooth decay and enamel damage. Minimize consumption of sugary beverages like soda and sports drinks. If you do drink them, use a straw to reduce contact with your teeth. Opt for water or unsweetened drinks whenever possible.

Attend regular orthodontic appointments: Regular visits to your orthodontist are crucial for monitoring your progress and making adjustments to your braces. Follow the recommended appointment schedule and communicate any concerns or issues you may be experiencing.

Follow specific instructions: Your orthodontist may provide additional guidelines specific to your case. This could include wearing rubber bands or other appliances, avoiding certain habits (like thumb-sucking or nail-biting), or using orthodontic wax to alleviate discomfort from brackets or wires.

Remember, following these care instructions diligently can help ensure a smoother and more effective orthodontic treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about taking care of your braces, don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist for guidance and support.

Learn ‘How Much Do Braces Cost’ and More

Since every patient is different, you need to schedule a consultation to find out, “How much do braces cost?” Northeastern Braces has offices in Newburgh and the Bronx and can answer your questions and provide your treatment. Contact Northeastern Braces’ Bronx office at (917) 801-3600 or the Newburgh office at (845) 863-0500 to schedule a consultation.

Best Orthodontist Near Me in Bronx, NY

Orthodontic treatment is an important investment in your oral health and overall well-being, and it’s important to choose an orthodontist who has the skills, experience, and dedication to provide the best possible care. If You have started searching for the best orthodontist in Bronx, NY. If you go to the best orthodontist, you will receive stellar treatment. What goes into being the best, though? Get the details, and you’ll see why you should never settle for less than the best.

On-time Appointments From the Best Orthodontist Near Me in Bronx, NY

Did you know that the best Bronx orthodontist minimizes waiting time? Your schedule is busy, and you can’t afford to spend tons of time in the waiting room. The best orthodontist near me in Bronx, NY, stays on schedule, so you can get in and out in no time.

Get Braces Near You: Lots of Treatment Options

The top orthodontist also provides lots of treatment options for patients. You can get Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, clear braces, and metal braces in Bronx from the best orthodontist. You can even get Zoom Whitening if you want a brighter smile. With all of these treatment options, you won’t have to find another orthodontist. You’ll have everything you need in a single office. Let’s explore the various treatment options available at Northeastern Braces.

Traditional Metal Braces:

Metal braces are a tried-and-true method of straightening teeth and correcting jaw alignment. Made from high-quality stainless steel, these braces consist of brackets bonded to the front surface of the teeth, connected by archwires, and held in place with elastic bands. Metal braces are highly effective in addressing complex orthodontic issues and are suitable for patients of all ages.


Cost-effective compared to other treatment options.

Durability and strength allow for precise tooth movement.

Colored elastic bands offer a fun and customizable look.

Ceramic Braces:

Ceramic braces are an excellent choice for those who desire a more discreet option. These braces function similarly to traditional metal braces but utilize clear or tooth-colored brackets and wires that blend in with your natural teeth. Ceramic braces are a popular alternative for patients wanting a more aesthetically pleasing treatment.


Less noticeable than metal braces.

Still highly effective for correcting various orthodontic problems.

Stain-resistant ceramic material maintains its color throughout treatment.

Invisalign® Clear Aligners:

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that offers a virtually invisible and removable option for straightening teeth. This system uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners that gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing for easy oral hygiene and the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods without dietary restrictions.


Nearly invisible, making it an ideal choice for adults and teens.

Removable aligners allow for easy maintenance and oral hygiene.

No dietary restrictions since you can remove the aligners when eating.

Additionally, the best orthodontist will work together with you to develop a personalized treatment strategy that takes into account your unique needs and objectives. They will take into account factors such as the severity of your orthodontic issues, your age, and your lifestyle to recommend the most appropriate treatment options. They will also explain the advantages and disadvantages of each choice so you can decide with confidence.

Orthodontist Near Me BronxPayment Options

During your search for the best orthodontist near me in Bronx, New York, you couldn’t help but think about paying for treatment. The best must cost a lot of money, right? In reality, the best orthodontist offers fair prices, accepts major insurance plans, and even offers flexible payment plans. You can even get a payment plan for zero down payment and no interest. That makes it easy to afford orthodontic treatment for you or your child.

In addition to accepting insurance, we also accept all major credit cards! If you are looking for a payment plan, financing is also available through Care Credit. With Care Credit, you are able to pay for your orthodontic treatment in convenient monthly payments. Schedule your FREE consultation today to discuss payment plans and options with our scheduling staff.

Contact the Best Orthodontist Near Me in Bronx, NY

If you want to go to the best orthodontist in Bronx, NY, contact Northeastern Braces today. We minimize wait times, have lots of treatment options, and make it easy to pay. Call our Bronx, NY, office at (917) 801-3600 to set up your free consultation. Then you can discuss your options and begin treatment.